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How to Choose a Motherboard for your computer: What to Look for?

If you are a PC enthusiast, a part of your everyday routine is to purchase a new motherboard for your computer. Whether it’s a gaming rig, a server machine, a workstation, or a laptop, a motherboard is the heart of your machine. And that can be a daunting task. It helps if you know what to look for.

As you’ve no doubt heard, the CPU and RAM in your computer are the most important parts. Without these, your computer can’t run at all. But what about the motherboard? It’s the central nervous system that connects everything together, and without it, your computer can’t even be turned on. So, what to look for in a motherboard? Well, while the components you need will vary from person to person, we can give you a guide on what to look for to make an informed purchase.

“The first thing you’ll want to do is to look at the motherboard for your computer. It should have a few connectors, USBs, HDMI ports, and other features. Basically, you’ll want to look at the motherboard to see what features are included, and what you should have to have to keep your computer running. You’ll also want to look at the motherboard to see if any changes are needed for your computer.

Choosing a motherboard for your PC is, without a question, a difficult task. Because the motherboard connects all of the components of your computer, you will never want to make a mistake when selecting a motherboard. As a result, you will find detailed instructions on how to choose a motherboard in this page.

Modern motherboards are available in a wide range of configurations. These range from very low costs to ones that will astound you.

It’s worth noting that different motherboards are intended for different purposes. And if you study all of the information on selecting motherboards provided here, you will undoubtedly be able to choose a suitable motherboard.

Modern motherboards, in contrast to older motherboards, are very efficient and capable of completing complex tasks in less time. If you want to save money, though, you may choose for budget-friendly motherboards.

The BIOS on a motherboard is what runs the show, so without further ado, let’s get right into the tutorial on how to select the best motherboard for your PC.


1. Recognize key characteristics

If you’re trying to figure out which motherboard to buy, you’ll need to first understand the following basic characteristics of a motherboard.

The motherboard’s specs, connectors, SSD card slots, and other basic characteristics are only a few examples. You may read on for additional information in the sections below. 

  • The most important aspect of the motherboard to consider
  • The first step is to determine where the peripherals on the motherboard are located.
  • Also, go over the motherboard’s specs as well as its size.
  • You should also look at the motherboard to see where the various ports and slots are situated.
  • You should also look at the chipset location on the motherboard; typically, Intel processors are placed towards the south north bridge.


  • CPU Socket – A CPU socket is a collection of hundreds of holes or metal plates that connect a computer’s central processor unit.
  • Sockets for Memory
  • Connectors for Hard Drives
  • Connector for a Floppy Drive
  • Connectors on the periphery
  • Connectors for Add-on Cards
  • Connector for Power
  • Connectors and Ports for the Case

2. Examine the motherboard’s dimensions.

Motherboards are now available in three distinct sizes.

  • Motherboards with ATX connectors (12 into 9.6) 

These are the most powerful motherboards, capable of handling massive tasks. EATX EATX EATX EATX EATX EATX EATX (extended ATX has dimensions of 12 x 13 mm)

If you do not need to perform a lot of work on your computer, the mini ATX size is a good choice.

The Mini ATX motherboard is the smallest motherboard size and can only perform limited tasks.

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3. Decide which CPU you’ll be using.

It’s critical to figure out the CPU you’ll pair with your motherboard. Because motherboard makers use CPU sockets that are unique to a certain CPU, the motherboard will only function if the correct processor is plugged into the CPU socket.


Determine the motherboard’s socket type.

  • PROCESSOR FAMILY may assist you in selecting a superior CPU and, as a result, a suitable motherboard.
  • LGA1100 Intel processor
  • X2999 is an AMD CPU.
  • VRM (Voltage Regulator Module) is a voltage regulator module.

VRM PROVIDES SUPPORT IN EXCESS OF WHAT IS REQUIRED. It may be placed on the motherboard or mounted on any port. Determine the voltage regulator module you need. Choose a better VRM since a bad VRM will overheat.

For example, Intel’s 1st to 10th generation core processors will need an LGA 1100 motherboard, while AMD’s Ryzen 7 3700X motherboard would not. 

4. Locate the motherboard ports you need.

  • SATA PORTS: for SSD or HDD storage; STORAGE in SATA ports; HDD OR SSD attached to SATA port

5. Recognize the motherboard slots that are needed.

Ram slot

  • You can put more memory in DIMM slots than you can in DIMM slots.
  • Memory module/memory slot 

PCI slot

  • To add a graphic card, a sound card, and so on.
  • Slot for expansion
  • PCI lanes are a kind of computer interface.

AGP slot 

  • Connects several graphics cards to the computer’s motherboard. 


6. Other noteworthy characteristics

There are a few more noteworthy characteristics that you should look for when selecting a motherboard. The peripheral component connection is included:

  • Graphic cards, for example, may be expanded using this method.
  • The Ethernet port serves as a link between the wire network and the computer.


Choosing a suitable motherboard is difficult, but knowing your needs allows you to make informed decisions without spending money on unnecessary features. If you purchase a motherboard with sockets that vary from your requirements, compatibility problems may arise. As a result, once you’ve discovered all of the essential characteristics you’re searching for, choose a motherboard. 


What factors should you consider while selecting a motherboard?

Check the form factor, CPU socket, SATA port various slots, and motherboard size to see whether they meet your needs. Then make an informed decision.

Is it possible to use any CPU with a particular motherboard?

No, motherboards come with a range of CPU sockets; you should ask about the socket type before purchasing a motherboard to avoid compatibility problems.

How much does a decent motherboard cost?

The cost of a motherboard ranges from $120 to $220. All you need to do now is decide the characteristics you want in a motherboard.

How do you choose a gaming motherboard?

If you’re a serious gamer, you’ll need a motherboard that supports your CPU and has additional expansion slots for graphics and sound cards.

Whether you’re building a new computer or upgrading an old one, you have one of the most important parts of the computer to keep in the best possible working order. The motherboard is the brains of the computer, and it controls everything from memory and processor speed to how many USB ports and audio connections you have. As with any piece of technology, the motherboard itself is a product that is constantly evolving with new technology and new boards that can drastically improve both your computer’s performance and your comfort level.. Read more about what does a motherboard do and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is important when choosing a motherboard?

The motherboard is the most important component in your computer. Its what connects all of the other components together and it determines how well your computer will perform.

Does it matter what motherboard I get?

No, it does not matter.

What is the most reliable motherboard?

The most reliable motherboard is the MSI Z370-A Pro.

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  • how to choose a motherboard for gaming
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  • what motherboard should i get
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  • choose motherboard