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Error 0xc0000225 in Windows 8

Error 0xc0000225 in Windows 8

The error code 0xc0000225 is a Windows 8 specific error that indicates the system has too many DLLs, which can cause errors in Windows. It’s not exactly clear what causes this problem but Microsoft suggests updating your graphics card drivers to fix it.

The “error code 0xc0000225 windows 8 without cd” is a problem that has been present for a while. There are many ways to fix this issue, and the one that you will need is to download Windows 8 from Microsoft’s website.

Errors may be caused by a variety of factors, including the usage of AcronisDiskDirector to create a redistribution CD.

When loading Windows, users received the error 0xc0000225. «Status: 0xc0000225», says the error message. The boot selection failed due to the inaccessibility of a needed device ». The following article will discuss problem-solving techniques.

Method 1.

The goal of this procedure is to restore the system to its previous state. To do this, you must take the following steps:

  • Start your computer again.
  • As soon as the computer boots up, repeatedly hit «F8». Then there’s a window.
  • Choose the option «Last Known Good Configuration (Advanced)» in the pop-up box, then hit «Enter».
  • The system will reboot and should be operational again.

Method 2.

  • Start the computer from a disk
  • Select Windows Recovery Mode when the download is complete.
  • The system then detects a mistake and offers to correct it via an automated reboot.
  • You consent and wait for the reset.

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The “windows 10 error code 0xc0000225 without cd” is a problem that has been present for a while. Microsoft has released 4 fixes to fix the issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I fix error code 0xc0000225?

A: Error Code 0xc0000225 is a common error code for Xbox One. To fix the issue, you have to try out this solution which might work for some people.

What does error code 0xc0000225 mean?

A: Error Code 0xc0000225 is a DirectX error. This means that your computer or device has encountered an issue and needs to be reset, please close the application and restart it.

How do I fix Windows 8 not booting?

A: I am not sure what is the problem but many people have trouble booting Windows 8. There are a few things you can try doing to fix this though, including restarting your computer and updating it with any drivers that may be out of date.

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