These are the three question most people ask them self when playing Minecraft.A shard is a new type of item that is used in crafting and smelting.It can be found in dungeons,mineshafts or strongholds.
In the most cases,a shard is combined with another item to create something new.For example,two shards can be combined to create one other kind of item.However ,this other kind of item has to be crafted before that can happen.
How to get amethyst shard in minecraft
Amethyst shards are found in dungeons.There is about 1/8 chance to spawn amethyst shard when you break a chest.If you want to speed up the process ,try minecraft iron tools mod .It will increase your mining speed by 10 times.So if mining time is ten minutes with diamond pickaxe,it only one minute with this mod.
How to find emerald shard in minecraft
To get emerald shards ,you have to go through the end portal frame that is found in the end ship.There are one or two other ways to get emeralds but they are harder to do.If you want to know,see the next part of this article.
The last way to get emeralds in minecraft is trading with villagers.(trade window -> emerald ore -> emeralds).This is the easiest way ,but it requires you to find a village first.
You might think that emerald shards are not worth it ,because they are not used much in crafting.But it is not true,the emerald ore is one of the best ores in Minecraft that can be used to get iron or diamond tools with just 6 pieces of it!
That’s the reason why some servers allow you to use silk touch to avoid using several pickaxes while mining it.
So if you want to save time ,try to get emerald ore with silk touch.
How to get diamond shards in minecraft
Diamond shards are found in mineshafts.They are very rare so you might need to search for a long time before finding one.Just open chest that has an iron ingot or gold ingot next to it ,there is about 10% chance to a diamond shard spawning inside.
Diamond shards can also be found in catacombs which is a bonus chest room underground houses .There is about 1/20 chance for a diamond shard spawn in it.
You might need to mine for a long time before finding good stuff ,however if you want to save time just use a diamond pickaxe to break it.
How to get emerald block in minecraft
If you want a emerald block ,you need to first craft an emerald ore into an emerald and then use that with the crafting table .You should have a 9×9 grid on your screen.With this method,you can make 16 emerald blocks.
Emeralds are used to make iron or diamond tools IN Minecraft ,so you know that it is very important!
To get an emerald block ,first you need to craft 16 emerald ores into emerald .Then put the emerald on the crafting table and click the button “.”(decrease button ).
Now you should have a 9×9 grid on your screen.Put each emerald into the grid and then you should see an Emerald block.You need 112 diamond to make 16 diamond blocks.Don’t worry ,you can get diamonds by mining or trading with villagers!
What are shards in minecraft
In Minecraft, a shard is a new type of item that can be combined to create other items. Shards are found in dungeons,mineshafts or strongholds .If you want a diamond ore ,you have to go through the end portal frame found in the end ship. However there are better ways to get emeralds and diamonds ,see the next parts of this article.
Shards are not used much in crafting so some players say they are useless.But emerald ore is one of the best ores to create iron or diamond tools .That’s why some servers allow you to use silk touch which will avoid using several pickaxes while mining it.
So ,shards in Minecraft are new type of item that can be found in dungeons or strongholds.They are not used much in crafting but emerald ore is very important so you should try to get it. Shards cannot be crafted into objects directly,but they are needed for making other items. I hope this article has helped you.
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