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The List Of 16 Promising Remote Work Europe Statistics 2022

The list of 16 promising remote work Europe statistics 2022 is a comprehensive look at the current state and future potential for telecommuting. From recent data, it’s clear that working remotely has become more popular as companies increasingly offer flexible options to their employees.

The “The List Of 16 Promising Remote Work Europe Statistics 2022” is a list of statistics for the remote work industry. It includes countries, regions, and cities that are predicted to have an increase in the number of remote workers by 2022.

The List Of 16 Promising Remote Work Europe Statistics 2022

With the emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic, Europe, like the rest of the globe, went into lockdown.

So, how many people in Europe have to abandon their jobs and work from home?

Which European areas had the most individuals working from home and which had the least?

If you keep reading, you’ll learn about the most fascinating data concerning remote work in Europe!

Editor’s Pick Of Europe’s Remote Work Statistics

  • Finland and Belgium have the highest number of remote employees.
  • During COVID, 40% of the EU workforce began working from home.
  • Remote employment is preferred by 78 percent of European employees.
  • Sixty-six percent of remote employees have no previous familiarity with the technology.
  • 24 percent of remote employees confess to working in their spare time.

Statistics on Remote Work in Europe

In 2020, 1.12% of EU employees (aged 20 to 64) worked from home on a regular basis.

Prior to the pandemic, the number of people working from home in the European Union (EU) had been stable over the previous decade at about 5% to 6%. However, after the epidemic, that figure has risen to 13%.

EU Labor Force Survey is the source of this information.

2. Helsinki-Uusimaa (37 percent), Province du Brabant wallon (27 percent), and Région de Bruxelles-Capitale were the three EU areas with the greatest percentage of remote employees (26 percent ).

Aside from those three EU regions, a large number of individuals worked from home in Ireland (25 percent), Austria (24 percent), Denmark (24 percent), France (23 percent), the Netherlands (23 percent), and Portugal (23 percent).

EU Labor Force Survey is the source of this information.

3. Remote work was less widespread in the EU’s eastern and southern areas, with fewer than 5% of the workforce in certain of those nations working from home.

Out of those areas, barely 5% of the workforce worked from home in Croatia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, and even Latvia. Hungary, Romania, and Greece are all on the list of countries having 5% or more remote employees.

EU Labor Force Survey is the source of this information.

4. As a consequence of COVID-19, around 40% of the EU workforce had to begin working from home full-time.

When the pandemic was revealed, around 4 out of 10 employees began teleworking. Furthermore, according to data from Remote Work Europe, roughly 25% of all employment in the EU are teleworkable.

Eurofound is the source of this information.


5. The percentage of people who work from home at least sometimes increased from 5.2 percent in 2009 to 9 percent in 2019.

Remote labor has been steadily expanding in the decade leading up to the pandemic’s onset in 2020, going from 5.2 percent to 9% in the EU.

Eurostat is the source of this information.

6. In 2009, 30% of self-employed people worked from home on occasion or on a regular basis, increasing to 36% in 2019.

Self-employed persons were more likely to work remotely than dependent employees among those who worked from home before to the pandemic.

Eurostat is the source of this information.

7. In 2018, one in every four (25%) people in the top quarter of the EU-27 income distribution worked from home, compared to 10% of those in the poorest half of the income distribution.

Because more people with higher incomes work from home in the EU, the availability of remote employment only contributes to the economic disparity across the EU’s 27 member states.

Eurostat is the source of this information.

8. In 2019, Sweden, Finland, and the Netherlands were among the nations with a remote worker proportion of approximately 30%.

While northern nations had a larger proportion of people working from home, the number of teleworkers in half of EU Member States was below 10% in 2019.

Commission of the European Union

9. Over the next decade, higher-paying occupations may become more distant, resulting in 4,3 million fewer positions in food and customer service.

The highest-paid employment in Europe are the most likely to be done remotely, while the lowest-paid positions are the least likely. As a result, low-skilled and low-paying occupations, such as food preparation and office cleaning, will be threatened. However, 760,000 jobs in delivery and transportation are expected to be added.

McKinsey & Company

10. While 48 percent of EU workers worked remotely at least part-time, one-third of them (34 percent) worked totally from home.

Work from home became significantly more common throughout the EU as the worldwide pandemic began, compared to low numbers before to the outbreak. As a result, a greater number of people are experiencing remote working burnout.

Eurofound is the source of this information.

Even if there were no pandemics or limitations, 11.78 percent of employees said they prefer remote work to some level.

Remote work is becoming more popular, and workers see flexibility as one of the most important job benefits. Furthermore, almost eight out of ten employees said they would like to work remotely to some degree if there were no pandemics. Almost one-third of respondents (32%) want to work from home several times a week, and 13% want to work remotely full-time.

Eurofound is the source of this information.

12. 54 percent of individuals who worked from home during the pandemic had done so previously, while 46 percent had never done so.

Almost half of the employees (46%), who were ordered home from their workplaces to work during the epidemic, had never done remote work before.

Eurofound is the source of this information.


Working during leisure time is reported by 13.24% of those who work from home, compared to 6% of those who work on-site or in places away from home.

Employees who work from home have a tougher difficulty shutting off. Because both their personal and professional lives take place in their house, they find it difficult to create boundaries, thus they wind up working in their spare time. Workers may get burned out as a result of this.

Eurofound is the source of this information.

14. In 2020, 47 percent of the workforce in the United Kingdom and France worked from home.

In 2020, the number of people working from home in the UK increased by 20% over the previous year. In France, the share of remote employees increased by 25% in 2020 compared to 2019. Furthermore, compared to the previous year, remote labor in Italy climbed by 15%.

OECD is the source of this information.

15. When compared to smaller enterprises, the trend of remote work was more prevalent in major firms in the UK and France.

This makes sense since bigger corporations in those two nations have more teleworkable industries, while smaller organizations in the UK and France have largely non-teleworkable positions. According to OECD statistics, bigger businesses also have greater access to technology that enables them to operate remotely.

OECD is the source of this information.

During remote work in lockdown, 16.33% of the UK workforce reported an improvement in productivity.

While 71% of employers in the UK found no major effect of working from home on productivity, one-third of those who worked from home noticed an improvement in productivity.

CIPD is the source for this information.


To summarize, these distant work Europe statistics cover data from throughout the European Union, as well as non-EU nations like as the United Kingdom. While remote work existed in Europe before to the pandemic, the number of people doing it has increased dramatically since the outbreak. After all, data on remote work indicate that this form of job will continue to rise in the future.

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The “remote work statistics 2020 covid” is a list of 16 promising remote work Europe statistics for the year 2022. The article discusses the growth in remote work and how this will affect companies.

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