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The most advanced Roomba ever made

We are really excited to introduce the newest Roomba model, which is the most advanced one yet! It has a lot of new and improved features that we think everyone will love. Keep reading to find out what makes this Roomba so special.

Introduce the Roomba 980 and its features

The Roomba 980 is the latest and greatest robotic vacuum from iRobot. This little machine is packed with features that make it ideal for keeping your home clean. Perhaps the most impressive feature is its ability to connect to the internet and be controlled remotely via a smartphone app. That means you can start a cleaning cycle from anywhere in the world!

The Roomba 980 also features advanced navigation sensors that allow it to map out your home and clean in a more efficient way. And, of course, it comes with all of the standard features that have made Roombas so popular, like automatic dirt detection and edge cleaning. If you’re looking for a top-of-the-line robotic vacuum, the Roomba 980 is the way to go.

Show how it compares to other Roombas on the market

The Roomba 980 is the most advanced Roomba model on the market. It features a number of impressive upgrades that make it worth the extra cost. For example, its ability to connect to the internet and be controlled remotely is a huge selling point. Additionally, the advanced navigation sensors allow it to clean more efficiently. And, of course, it comes with all of the standard features that have made Roombas so popular. So, if you’re looking for the best possible Roomba, the 980 is a great option.

Discuss some of the benefits of owning a Roomba 980

One major benefit is that it does a very thorough job of cleaning. The Roomba 980 has sensors that allow it to map out your home and make sure it doesn’t miss any spots. Whether your place is messy or just needs a little touch-up, this vacuum will get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Another great thing about the Roomba 980 is that it’s very easy to use. Just hit the ‘clean’ button and let it do its thing – you don’t have to worry about supervising it or moving furniture out of the way. And if you ever need to clean something up in a hurry, the Roomba 980 also has a spot-cleaning feature that will target specific areas.

Finally, one of the best things about owning a Roomba 980 is that it can actually save you money in the long run. If you regularly vacuum your floors yourself, you know how much time and effort it takes – not to mention the cost of buying vacuum bags. With the Roomba 980, you can set it and forget it, and it will pay for itself over time.

roomba i6 vs i7

The iRobot Roomba i6 and i7 are two of the most popular models on the market today. But which one is right for you? The i6 is ideal for smaller homes or apartments, while the i7 is better suited for larger spaces. Both models feature advanced sensors that allow them to navigate around furniture and other obstacles, and they come with a variety of attachments for cleaning different surfaces.

The i6 also has a lower price tag, making it more affordable for budget-conscious shoppers. However, the i7 has some additional features that may be worth the extra cost, including a self-emptying dustbin and an optional mopping attachment. So, which model should you choose? Ultimately, the decision comes down to your needs and preferences. If you’re looking for a versatile and affordable robot vacuum, the i6 is a great option. But if you’re willing to pay a bit more for convenience and extra features, the i7 may be worth considering.